Russian academy of justice
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This article is aimed to explore the possibilities of using the term “business reputation” for reputation of state, municipalities and their bodies and, therefore, of using proper Civil Law methods for defending their reputation. Although there is no legal definition of the term “business reputation”, the author concludes that that the term can be used only in the sphere of business, but due to the absence of common term “reputation” in the Russian Civil Law, in jurisprudence the “business reputation” is usually interpreted extendedly.
Thus, state and municipalities are subjects of such reputation as far as non-profit organizations not only in cases, when they are making business but in the case of any type of their economic activities. Sometimes according to the jurisprudence the reputation of such bodies is not defended by the Civil Law rules, if a critical opinion concerns public services, provided by the Russian Federation, its subjects and the municipalities. The reputation of state and municipalities belongs to their bodies and the population of the territory, too.
Keywords: the state legal personality; municipal bodies; business reputation
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