Magazine Theme. The magazine can accept materials on fundamental and applied challenges of the juridical sciences; researches of the modern condition of the Russian, international, foreign legislation and law-enforcement practice, theoretical and historical aspects of the state legal phenomenon, legal problems of the social work.
Magazine Language and Geography. The governing language of the magazine is the Russian language. Besides, the magazine publishes articles in English in a special section. The geography of the magazine includes both the Russian and the foreign authors. The articles of the foreign authors are published in English, this allowing to expand the geography of the readers and to enforce the integration processes in the global academic community.
Order of Article Submission. To submit an article, the author needs to register on-line on the official magazine website and forward his scientific article via on-line application.
The editorial board accepts articles (materials) sized 100 thousand typographical units with spaces.
Board of authors, including graduate students, for the publication of manuscripts is not charged.
Fundamentals of the legal cooperation between the Publisher and the Author. The Publisher (The Perm State National Research University) offers to any private person to make a gratuitous license agreement with the Publisher, for granting the right of use of the article written by him, on the following conditions.
The author entitles the Publisher (The Perm State National Research University) to use his article (Work) including in the contents of the magazine, in the following ways:
Reprinting of the Work, i.e. making one or more copies of the Work or any part of it, in any material form, including electronic format, and the reproduction of the Work in any database;
Distribution of the Work by means of selling it or any other alienation of the copies of the Work in any quantity;
Import of the copies of the Work for the purpose of its distribution;
Translation or other processing of the Work;
Making the Work globally known, including using the Work of any part of it in the Internet, other computer networks and any database.
Granting the above-mentioned rights to the Publisher preserves the Author's right to grant licenses to the third parties for the similar ways of the use of the Work (ordinary, non-exclusive license).
The author grants The Publisher with the mentioned rights for the whole validity period of the exclusive rights for the article.
The territory where the Work is allowed to be used by the means described above, is not limited, i.e. includes the territory of the whole world.
The right of using the Work is granted to the Publisher free of charge. There is no fee paid to the Author.
The Author agrees that the Publisher has the right to grant fully or partially the rights mentioned above, to the third parties, with no additional approval by the Author and with no fee paid to the Author or other persons (sublicense).
The Author of the Work agrees that the Work can be amended with acronyms and additions, pictures, preambles, afterword, comments or any explanation - by the Publisher or the third persons – based on the sublicense contracts concluded by the Publisher.
The author of the work agrees that the Publisher or the third parties, based on the sublicense contracts concluded by the Publisher, can edit and correct the Work, and to change the title of the Work with no additional approval, in case the mentioned changes do not lead to altering the sense of the Work and the wholeness of the Work perception is not broken.
In compliance with Federal Law of July 27, 2006, № 152-FZ «About the Personal Data», the Author of the Work gives his consent to the automated data processing, to the non-automated data processing by means of collecting, systematization, accumulation, storage, specification, use, transfer of his personal data given to the Publisher when concluding the license agreement: family name, name, patronymic name, passport details, date of birth, living address, contact details (phone number, e-mail address), as well as other personal data given by the Author for the purpose of concluding the license agreement with the Publisher.
When using the Work:
The Publisher posts the name and the initials of the Author, the title, the summary, the keywords and the text of the article on the magazine website;
The Publisher includes the full version of the articles into the «Russian Science Citation Index» (RSCI). Forwarding of the article to the Publisher by the Author is the Author's agreement to such posting and including;
The author's personal copy is sent to address indicated by him.
Shall the Publisher ignore using of the Work or fail to entitle the third parties to using the Work within two years after the Publisher received the Work, the Author of the Work has the right to cancel the license agreement in his sole discretion, having notified the Publisher about it with an electronic message to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. in no less than 10 days before the contract cancellation date. In case there are no reasonable objections of the Publisher within the term stipulated, the contract is considered to be canceled.
The author consents to the use of his Work under an Open License indicating the authorship of CC BY.
The Publisher considers the license agreement to be concluded with the Author of the work at the conditions described above, since the moment the Author’s accept is received.
The accept is the agreement with the conditions of the license contract, which is given on the website during the registration and precedes the on-line article submission.
Following the international ethic standards is an integral part of our magazine's policy. Only unique scientific works are accepted for publication, that have not been published ever before. The articles received by the editorial board, are checked for their unicity with the «Antiplagiat» system.
The editorial board reserves the right not to publish articles having less that 80% of unicity.
The article should include the following parts:
Principal content*;
Results / discussion;
Conclusions / statements.
* the Author must divide the article body into several component giving a title to each of them.
In the process of submitting the article, the author must confirm that the article has not been published or has not been accepted for publication in another scientific journal (provide a statement of assurance in this circumstance).
Page parameters. Sheet size used for the article – А4. Margins – 2,5 cm all sides. Distance to the headers and footers – 1.25 cm.
The main text of the article is given in Times New Roman Cyr, sized – 14, line interval – one-and-a-half. Signs hyphen (-) and dash (–)should be differentiated between. A dash is put between the numbers with no spaces added, for example: 12–15.
The title of the article is given in capital (uppercase) letters bold-typed, in italics, on centre.
The UDC is given on the left preceding the title, in upright lettering. Under the title, the initials, the family name are typed in bold, and followed by the scientific degree, position, name of the higher educational establishment and its address (including the postcode), author's identification codes in ORCID and the ResearcherID (mandatory!), information about the author's articles in the «Scopus» or «Web of Science» databases (if any) by giving the DOI of such articles, author's e-mail address – all typed normally with no bolding.
Under the information mentioned above, the author's summary is placed in Russian (200–250 words), typed in normal Italics.
The author's summary of the article is the principle source of information in domestic and foreign information system and data bases indexing the magazine.
Mandatory Structure of the Author's Summary:
Purposes and Targets;
After the author's summary text, 8–10 keywords (phrases) should be given that characterize the article problematics (typed normally upright).
Principal Purposes and Targets of the Author’s Summary
The author’s summary is a short description of the larger work having a scientific character. The author’s summary can be published apart from the principle text and correspondingly should be understandable with no reference to the original article.
The author’s summary of the article should make the essence of the research clear to the reader.
Judging on the author’s summary the reader shall define if he needs to refer to the full text of the article for getting more detailed information that interests him.
The author’s summary in Russian is the basement for interpreting the summary in English; however it should not be translated in a word-for-word manner (by calquing) but should comply with the principle rules and the stylistics of the English language. The English translation of the author’s summary is included into the English version of the magazine website and is used for the foreign review databases and analytical systems (citation index).
Structure, Contents and Size of the Author’s Summary
The author’s summary shall represent the significant facts of the work, and shall not exaggerate or contain information which is not included into the principal part of the article.
The structure is welcome which repeats the structure of the article and includes introduction, purposes and targets, methods, results/ discussion, conclusion/ resume.
However, the subject, the topic, the aim of the work are only given if they are not clear from the name of the article; the method and the methodology are worth describing if they are new or are of some interest from the point of view of the work.
The results of the work are described with maximum accuracy and conclusively. The principal theoretical and experimental results, the actual data, the discovered interrelations and regularities are given. With this, the new results and long-term meaning results, important findings, conclusions contradicting the existing theories and data that have practical importance in the author’s opinion are preferred.
The conclusions can be accompanied with recommendations, evaluations, proposals and theories described in the article.
The information contained in the title of the article should not be repeated in the text of the author’s summary.
The superfluous introductory phrases (for example, “the author of the article studies…”) need to be avoided. The historical notes should not be given unless they are principal contents of the document, the description of the works published before and generally acknowledged provisions are also omitted.
The text of the author’s summary should use the syntax structures that are typical for the language of the scientific and technical documents; the complicated grammatical structures.
The meaningful words from the text of the article should be used in the author’s summary.
The text of the author’s summary should be laconic and precise, free from the minor information, superfluous introductory words, general and insignificant wording.
The text should be connected; the separate given provisions should logically result from each other.
The abbreviations and graphical symbols besides the generally acknowledged ones, are used in exceptional cases and are decoded when they are used in the author’s summary for the first time.
There are no references to the number of the publication in the list of references of the article.
The size of the author’s summary is defined by the contents of the publication (the volume of the data, their scientific importance or/and practical meaning) but should not exceed 100-250 words.
Example of a Scientific Article:
O.A. Kuznetsova
Perm State University
15, Bukirev st., Perm, Russia, 614990
ORCID: 0000-0001-6880-5604
ResearcherID: D-1066-2016
Articles in «Scopus»/«Web of Science»:
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2013.15.9.11540
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.24.01.13177
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Introduction: the article is devoted to analysis of the guilt of an electric power supply organization as one of the conditions of its liability for illegal interruption in power supply. The legal structure of this civil offence makes incurrence of liability of the legal person engaged in power supply activities conditional on the presence of guilt, which is an exception to the general rule of an entrepreneur's enhanced responsibility. Thus, the issues of understanding the content of guilt of a power supply organization acquire particular importance. The purpose of the work is to form a concept of the guilt of a power supply organization basing on the analysis of scientific works and court practice material on cases of holding liable in accordance with Clause 2 of Article 547 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Methods: empirical methods of comparison, description and interpretation; theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic; specific scientific methods: legal dogmatic method and method of legal norm interpretation. Results: the analysis of the practice in the application of Clause 2 of Article 547 of the Russian Civil Code and its scientific commentation shows that the categories of illegal interruption in power supply and guilt are equated, the category of guilt dissolves in the category of unlawful behavior of a power supply organization and loses its independence within the elements of this offence. Conclusions: both in the civil science and civil law, it is necessary to clearly differentiate between the unlawful behavior of the debtor, including a power supply organization, and his guilt, since these are different conditions (elements of offence) of civil liability, each of which can independently exclude civil liability. The legal behavioral understanding of the guilt of a power supply organization coincides with the subjective indicator of its unlawful failure to act and does not have its own legal value.
Keywords: illegal interruption in power supply; guilt of an electric power supply organization; guilt in the civil law; unlawful behavior of a power supply organization; civil offence; civil liability; presumption of guilt.
The bibliography should be arranged in the alphabetic order. Bibliography shall contain only scientific sources: scientific articles, monographs, dissertations, author’s abstracts, scientific comments, study books, electronic resources etc.
Note: should the source included into the bibliography have the DOI, the DOI indication is mandatorily given in section «References».
References to the normative legal acts and court arbitration practice are included into the text of the scientific article as the page references, but are not additionally given in the bibliography. The references should be page-by-page, the numbering of the references begins at each page separately.
The references are performed in Times New Roman Cyr, 10pt, single spacing.
In the principal text, the source mentioned in the bibliography, is referenced in the following way: the number of the source from the bibliography is given in square brackets, after the comma – the cited page of the source is given: [5, с. 216]. It is also possible to mention the volume of the multi-volume edition: [8, vol. 1, p. 216].
The sources in the bibliography list are arranged in compliance with state standard GOST R 7.0.5–2008.
Excessive and unreasonable citation is not allowed.
Examples of the Reference Arrangement in the Text Body of the Scientific Article:
1 Tsai L.L. Accountability without Democracy: Solidary Groups and Public Goods Provision in Rural China. Cambridge, 2007. 347 p.
2 Lindsnæs B. The global and the regional outlook (How can global public goods be advanced from a human rights perspective?). Towards New Global Strategies: Public Goods and Human Rights; in E.A. Andersen, B. Lindsnaes (ed). Leiden, 2007. P. 71–111.
If the article is in Russian, after the bibliography, the title of the article, author's initials and family name, place of work and its address, author's identification codes (mandatory), e-mail address, summary (150-250 words normally typed) and keywords are given in English.
If the article is in Russian, the article should contain bibliography list in Russian. Then, the transliteration of this list should follow (i.e. the transfer of the bibliography from Russian letters into Latin letters) with indication «References». For this, a special program is recommended to be used. Besides, it is necessary to give the name of the source translated into English, in square brackets. The example of the bibliography arrangement in Latin and the English translation are given below.
For Russian magazine articles, the following scheme of the bibliography list arrangement should be observed:
Authors (transliteration);
Article title (transliteration in Italics));
[Translation of the article title in square brackets] – each word starting with a capital letter except for the articles;
Name of the Russian source (transliteration in Italics);
[Translation of the name of the source into English];
Publisher's imprint (year, Issue, volume – if any);
Pages on which the article it placed in the magazine (Рp. 17–34);
Language indication sign (In Russ.);
Indication of the article DOI (DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.24.01.13177).
* the list of the names of the most popular juridical magazines and their correct translation into English is given here - translate.
For monographs, the following scheme of the bibliography list should be followed:
Authors (transliteration);
Name of the monograph (transliteration in Italics);
[Translation of the monograph name into English in square brackets] – each word starting with a capital letter except for the articles;
Publisher's imprint: place of publishing in English: Moscow, St. Petersburg (with no indication of the publishing house name);
Number of pages in work (500 p.);
Indication of the article language (In Russ; In Eng).
Examples of Transliteration:
1. Vitrjanskij V.V. Dogovory bankovskogo vklada, bankovskogo scheta i bankovskie raschety [The Contract of Bank Deposit, Bank Accounts and Bank Calculations]. Moscow, 2006. 556 p. (In Russ.).
2. Grazhdanskoe pravo: uchebnik. / pod red. A.P. Sergeeva, Ju.K. Tolstogo [Сivil Law: textbook: in 3 vols; ed. by A.P. Sergeev, Ju.K. Tolstoy]. Moscow, 2001. Vol. 3. 632 p. (In Russ.).
3. Danilenko S. Nekotorye problemy pravovogo regulirovanija ob'ekta bankovskoj tajny [Some Problems of Legal Regulation of the Object of Banking Secrecy]. Hozjajstvo i pravo – Business and Law. 2007. Issue 10. Pp. 28–33. (In Russ.).
4. Dobrynina S. Nenadezhnaya substantsiya [Unreliable Substance]. Rossiyskaya gazeta – Russian Gazette. 2015. 12 February. (In Russ.).
5. Kuznetsova O.A. Spetsializirovannye normy rossiyskogo grazhdanskogo prava: Teoreticheskie problem: avtoref. dis. ... d-ra. jurid. nauk [Specialized Norms of the Russian Civil Law: Theoretical Problems: Synopsis of Dr. jurid. sci. diss.]. Ekaterinburg, 2007. 24 p. (In Russ.).
6. Mahmadhonov T. Problemy pravovogo obespechenija kommercheskoj tajny v zakonodatel'stve Respubliki Tadzhikistan: avtoref. dis. ... kand. jurid. nauk [Problems of Legal Support of Commercial Secrets in the Legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan: Synopsis of Cand jurid. sci. diss.]. Dushanbe, 2008. 24 p. (In Russ.).
7. Mikryukov V.A. Ogranicheniya i obremeneniya prava sobstvennosti i inih grajdanskih prav. Diss. kand. yurid. nauk [Restrictions and Encumbrance of Property Rights and Other Civil Rights: Cand. jurid. sci. diss.]. Moscow, 2004. 214 p. (In Russ.).
8. Serkova Yu.А. Ponyatie yuridicheskoy konstruktsii i ego metodologicheskoe znachenie v issledovanii pravovykh sistem [The Concept of Juridical Construction and Its Methodological Significance in Studying Legal Systems]. Yuridicheskiy mir – The Juridical World. 2013. Issue 7. Рр. 64–67 (In Russ.).
9. Golubtsov V.G., Kuznetsova O.A. Russian Federation as the Subject of the Civil Liability // World Applied Sciences Journal. 2013. Vol. 24. Issue 1. Pp. 31–34 (In Eng.). DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.24.01.13177.
10. Tsai L.L. Accountability without Democracy: Solidary Groups and Public Goods Provision in Rural China. Cambridge, 2007. 347 p. (In Eng.).
11. Lindsnæs B. The global and the regional outlook (How Can Global Public Goods Be Advanced from a Human Rights Perspective?). Towards New Global Strategies: Public Goods and Human Rights; ed. by E.A. Andersen, B. Lindsnaes. Leiden, 2007. Pp. 71–111. (In Eng.).
At the end of the article, the title of your article is given with the full publisher’s imprint in Russian and in English, for easy citing of your article.
Information for citing:
Kuznetsova O.A. The Guilt of an Electric Power Supply Organization in Case of Illegal Interruption in Power Supply // Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Juridicheskie nauki – Perm University Herald. Juridical Sciences. 2015. Issue _____. Pp. ______. (In Eng.).
The manuscript submitted by the author is forwarded to a member of the editorial board for review, in compliance with the topic of the article. The review of the manuscript is performed in accordance with the “Order of Acceptance and Reviewing of the Scientific Article Manuscripts Submitted to magazine “Perm University Herald. Juridical Sciences”.
The term of the manuscript review is 2 to 3 months.
A scientific article is not admitted for publishing in case it contains two or more typical mistakes of the scientific articles, and also if it does not comply with the theme of the corresponding magazine issue which is defined by the editorial board with the account for the articles submitted to the magazine and in compliance with the magazine policy.
Articles in English have an advantage over other articles during the preparation of the next issue of the magazine.
Scientific articles, sent back to the authors for improvement by e-mail, are subject to returning to the magazine within the period recommended by the editor to the Publisher's electronic mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
The articles are published in the general order of “first received – first published”.
The average volume of one magazine issue: 25.0–30.0 printed sheets.
The magazine is published quarterly; and is released in March, June, September and December.
Issue |
Deadline for the on-line application |
Checking the content by the editorial-and-publishing department |
Making the magazine layout |
Polygraph printing of the paper version |
Posting the electronic version on the website of the magazine |
Posting the electronic version in RSCI |
Sending to the authors, subscribers, to the Central Institute of Bibliography, to the libraries of the leading scientific centers |
Issue 1 |
February 10 |
February 24 – March 10 |
March 10 – 29 |
March 29 |
March 30 |
April 1 |
March 29 - April 7 |
Issue 2 |
May 10 |
May 24 – June 10 |
June 10 – 29 |
June 29 |
June 30 |
July 1 |
June 29 - July 7 |
Issue 3 |
August 10 |
August 24 – September 10 |
September 10 – 29 |
September 29 |
September 30 |
October 1 |
Septenber 29 - October 7 |
Issue 4 |
November 10 |
November 24 – December 10 |
December 10 – 29 |
December 29 |
December 30 |
December 31 |
Dtcember 29 - January 10 |
After the magazine issue is published, the Publisher sends the Authors' personal copies to the addresses indicated by the Authors when on-lime registering. The copies are also sent to organizations having the right to get a mandatory copy from the publishers, and to the leading Russian and foreign scientific centers - list.