Issue 2 (20) 2013



Ye.G. Pisareva

Saratov State Law Academy
104, Chernysheyevskiy st., Saratov, 410056
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Article is devoted to the analysis administrative and financial legal relations with the participation of state establishments. The author analyses the scholars of general theory of state and law and the representatives of judicial branches pay great attention to the «legal subject» research.

If there are special articles of legislation financial legal relations with the participation of state establishments do exist. Financial legal relations with the participation of state establishments exist in a concrete of subjects.

In the theory of law is defined as a person, eligible to be a participant in financial relations, who has the necessary rights and duties. Establishment financial activity is the exercising of functions in educational planning, distributing and using funds according to their resolving problems. The grounds of lawful regulation of the establishments in the system of the subjects of the financial law are the rules of the RF Constitution, the Civil Code, the Budget Code and others.

The Law is the active element of the society influencing its proper development. The peculiarities of the lawful status of the special kinds of the establishments are defined in the profile (branch) spheres.

Realizing expenses of financial means, the realizes its tasks of internal and external development, reaches the aims, which make its essence, and also affects the society.

The right to financing is the guarantee of legal establishment’s financial activity.

In general theory of law legal politics is defined as a special form of expressing governmental policy, the means of legal legitimating, fixing and country's political course of its exercising official leaders and authoritative structures. Local-legal politics of the state establishment in financial sphere – is a kind of financial-legal politic, which is expressed, in the ways and methods of tasks realization of establishments in financial sphere.

The financial control is a very important function in the activity of any state. The financial activity of state establishments is under the state and internal control.

Keywords: administrative law; financial law; subject administrative of law; duties; of state enterprises;
finances; budget system


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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