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Codes of public conduct (legal including) biologically in a man are not stopped up. Sociologists consider that more than 80% of human behavior socially to them purchased прижизненно in the process of the socialization. Legal socialization as part of general socialization in democratic society, in our view, must carry subject-subject character only. And then in her it must exist not two, and three types(directions) of legal socialization – one elemental and two organized purposeful. 1). Elemental – she consists of that a legal subject forms the legal culture in the process of the disorderly co-operating with a legal culture and her objects process of life. 2). Organized purposeful – through legal education of legal subjects. 3). Organized purposeful – through a legal self-education.
A legal self-education is first examined as the independent organized and purposeful direction(kind) of legal socialization is in modern democratic society. His concept is given.
His structure opens up in detail – maintenance of every part of independent (autonomous) process of legal self-education of legal subjects is analysed and their role is determined in a structure. The aim of legal self-education and her value are certain in a management by this process. Three crisis points of his necessary intensification are indicated.
Drawn conclusion: by virtue of complication of autonomous process of legal self-education The authors.
Keywords: legal socialization; legal education; legal self-education; stages legal self-education; methods of legal self-educationindependently in him capable to the ss
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