Form of a right FOR labour realization as a factor of social security differentiation (in L.YU. Bugrov concept of labour freedom context)

M.Yu. Fedorova

Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
1, Senatskaya sqr., Saint-Petersburg, 190000
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Abstract: With a glance to multisectoral value of L.Yu. Bugrov labour freedom concept the dependence of social security terms from the form of realization right to labour is proved.

The content of the constitutional principle of labour freedom, it’s realization stages, motives, which determine one’s behavior in labour sphere, are considered.

The specificity of social risks, which natives, who abandon the right to work realization, and those, who realize this right in different forms (by formation the labour contract, state service contract – civil, military, law enforcement service or by being self-employed person), are subject to, and the ways to compensate this risks are analyzed (on the basis of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation legal views) in the article.

The author originates, that the choice of a particular way of the constitutional principle of labour freedom realization involves accounting the necessity of social security need satisfaction. Making this choice, a person should realize the social security terms and forms, on which he can lay account with in case of lack of self dependence (including the loss of labour activity or equated activity proceed).

With this handling social security terms, predestined by the form of the right to work realization (or the refusal of it’s realization) specificity, also can be included in the structure of a labour motive and influence on the choice of a capability to work supplement sphere.

It means, that the social security system should be effective enough and include forms, destined to compensate social risks of different categories of citizens. Differentiated approach to the social security system organization intends accounting differences in legal and social status of those citizens, who refuse to realize their right to work or who realize it in different forms.

For example, defense of the employees and self-employed citizens from social risks is carried out with the help of compulsory social insurance system. Financial and organization liabilities on employees insurance are rested on the employer, self-employed citizens in this system are both: assured and assurer.

Special aspects of social status of the civil servants provide the expansion of compulsory insurance on them and assignment in addition to insurance guarantees some kinds of social security, which are financed from the budget (for example, pensions for years of service or occupational pension extra).

Social security of military men and law-enforcement officers is aimed at the compensation of physical harm afflicted middle their service.

Special aspects are characteristic for social security of judges, citizens, which fill the functions of public servants of the Russian Federation and the subordinate entities of the Russian Federation, municipal servants. Social solidarity should have different forms of realization concerning citizens, who refused to work of their own volition, and those, who with the help of their work take part in social wealth formation as a source, on account of which necessities of socially disadvantaged people are financed.

 Keywords: constitutional principle of labour freedom; form of a right to labour realization; social risk; social security; Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation legal views


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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