N.L. Bondarenko

International University “MITSO”
21/3, Kazintsa st., Minsk, 220099
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Т.V. Тelyatitskaya

Minsk Institute of Management
12, Lazo st., Minsk, 220102
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Abstract: The problem of ensuring labor employment of the population is actual for all countries with market economy, including Republic of Belarus though the market relations began to be formed in it rather recently, with disintegration of the USSR and independence finding. Work is proclaimed the constitution of Republic of Belarus as the most worthy way of self-affirmation of the person that assumes the right to choice of profession, an occupation and work according to calling, abilities, education, vocational training and taking into account public requirements, and also on healthy and safe working conditions. Thus, the principle of freedom of work acts as the fundamental constitutional principle of the labor law of Republic of Belarus. However realization of this principle can be difficult to separate categories of citizens. The task of the legislator consists in development of the package of measures, directed on realization of the principle of freedom of work for all citizens. One of solutions of this task is fixing in the current legislation of Republic of Belarus of administrative responsibility for violation of the legislation on the population employment which introduction, on the one hand, is directed on strengthening of guarantees of employment of citizens, and with another – provides execution by employers of duties in the field of population employment. In particular, for the first time at legislative level administrative responsibility for non-performance by the employer of a duty on creation of workplaces for employment of the citizens who are especially needing social protection and not capable on equal terms to compete on a labor market and for duty non-performance on creation of workplaces for employment of the workers who have received disability as a result of a mutilation or occupational disease or other damage of health, connected with performance of labor duties by them at this employer is consolidated. The short story of the Belarusian labor legislation is the duty of the employer on creation of workplaces for parents who are obliged to refund the expenses spent by the state for the maintenance of children, being on the state providing. Authors of article analyze the relevant standards of the current legislation of Republic of Belarus and prove expediency of adjustment separate of them.

Keywords: legislation; work, right to work; employment; labor market; population employment

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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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