Legal Regulation Unity and Differentiation as the Social Security Law Principle

N.V. Antipeva

Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
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Abstract: This article examines the legal nature of the unity and differentiation of the legal regulation in social security law. Author shares the positions of scientists who view this category as a method of social security law, and as a principle of this branch of law. This conclusion is formulated on the basis of the provisions of science of theory of law and labor law.

The main object of analysis is general legal importance of unity and differentiation of legal regulation. Typical public relations are governed by the rule of law, so each rule is calculated on all the relationships of one kind and all of the persons involved. This is a demonstration of the unity of the regulatory impact. Differentiation of the same legal regulation is based on the diversity of human relations, the characteristics of subjects of the different legal relationships.

Taking into consideration common approaches to the content of the concept of the "principle of law" the definition of the principles of social security law is proposed in the article, and its branch principles are named. The article examines correlation of the principle of unity and differentiation and other stated in the science of social security law principles, including the principle of the universality of social security; the principle of establishing the level of social security, guaranteed worthy life of human and the principle of diversity of grounds and types of social security.

It was revealed the interrelation between these named principles and the principle of unity and differentiation of the legal regulation of social security of citizens.

The content of the principle of unity and differentiation of the legal regulation of social security implies the establishment of grounds and conditions of social security allowed to reach the fullest protection of citizens from different socio-risk situations. In addition, the legislation should take into account the peculiarities of social risks, as well as the specificities of the legal status of persons who need protection from them.

Keywords: legal regulation, the principle of the unity, differentiation, social security, a branch of law

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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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