The analysis of the contents and the form of two independent kinds of proofs is given in this article: reports on the investigative actions and protocols of the court session, and also other documents. Reports on the investigatory actions and protocols of the court session contain the data directly perceived by the inquirer, the investigator or the court, found out or observable by them. The given kind of proofs includes: protocols of an examination; inspection; seizure; presenting for an identification; investigative experiment; verification of the evidence on the spot; in some cases – detention; examination and hearing a phonogram of discussions; examination of the documents containing the information on connections between subscribers and (or) subscriber’s units.
The author considers some arguable questions about the reports on what investigative actions cannot be carried to a researched kind of proofs. It is unacceptable for a worker to create a false representation about the aggregate of the proof of a certain criminal case. It leads to the acceptance of illegal decisions on the person's being guilty of committing the crime.
According to the item 6 of part 2 article 74 and article 84 of Criminal-Procedural Code of the Russian Federation other documents are an independent kind of proofs. It is necessary attribute applications of citizens to them; the materials directed by tax bodies according to the legislation on taxes and tax levies for the decision whether to institute criminal proceedings about crimes, stipulated by articles 198-1992 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; official reports of policemen; bills of audits; of inventories; departmental inspections; protocols of giving oneself up; evidence of eyewitnesses and others.
It is underlined by the author, what documents cannot be referred to as «other documents».
Recommendations on perfection of Russian criminal-procedural legislation, which regulates given kinds of proofs, and also investigatory and judiciary practice of its application are offered in the paper.
Keywords: documents as proofs; reports on the investigative actions and protocols of the court session; other documents
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