Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy
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The author of the article proves theoretical reasonability and practical importance of the norm providing for the right of person issuing the power of attorney to revoke such power of attorney. The issue of the power of attorney is classified as a deal, the constituent feature of which is the fiduciary relations between the parties. The appearance and normal existence of legal relations as a result of issue of written authority for presentation in third parties is only possible provided the warrantor has high confidence in and affection to the attorney. Therefore, the conclusion is made that the warrantor’s right to withdraw the power of attorney as a form and a guarantee of ensuring confidence in the legal relations between the principal and the attorney is the immanent characteristic of the representation by attorney.
Rule of p. 2 Art. 188 of RF Civil Code on exclusive strength of the right to revoke the power of attorney and voidness of a waiver allowed the author to state that, in practice, during dispute resolution, direct and indirect limitation of the right to revoke the power of attorney should be considered as impermissible.
The author, although recognizing in principal the correctness of the approach to regulation of representation by attorney based on certain limitations of contractual freedom in order to ensure the preferential use of the general provision on impermissibility of restriction of the right to revoke the power of attorney, still point out the actually existing restrictions of the said right. The author proves that the warrantor is limited in exercising the right to revoke the power of attorney in cases when the aim of granting a warrant is to ensure the interest of the attorney or third person, not the interest of the warrantor. The cases of power of attorney use allowed by the law but contradicting the nature of the power of attorney are criticized.
The author considers that the movement of the Russian civil law to the contractual limitation of right to withdraw powers of attorney legal assumption of irrevocable powers of attorney is incorrect. Other ways of improving current legislation taking into account the necessity to prevent the destruction of the structure of representation by power of attorney as fiduciary relationship are offered.
Keywords: power of attorney withdrawal; limitation of right; irrevocable power of attorney
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