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The summary: In article “Concept of a subject of legal regulation and its interrelation with other legal categories” the author investigates actual for modern jurisprudence a problem of a subject of legal regulation in its interrelation with such legal categories, a method of legal regulation, principles of the right and others. Research concept of a subject of legal regulation is of great importance for revealing of internal interrelations between the various legal phenomena, allows to reflect logic of legal influence. The understanding of a subject of legal regulation in many respects defines the approach to concept of the right, its division on public and private, essence, and also understanding of other legal categories.
The author reveals features of the public relations entering into a subject of legal regulation, analyzes various approaches to concept of a subject of the legal regulation, offered by leading representatives of modern jurisprudence.
Analyzing interrelation of a subject of legal regulation the author stops on features of its separate stages, in particular, a predesign stage, and proves value of “strategy” and a role of principles of the right which serve as original reference points, law-enforcement activity.
The results of research presented in article in federative states in connection with a problem differentiation of subjects of conducting are actual. By means of concept “conducting subjects” are established spheres of “political”, “public” possibilities of federal and regional levels of the government which should start with degree of the importance of this or that sphere of public relations for all state as a whole or for separate subjects of federation. The author understands spheres of public relations as subjects of conducting, regulation and which realisation, proceeding from degree of the social importance and an expediency principle at actual realisation, is fixed for federal and (or) regional level of the government. The author suggests to consider as criteria of their allocation an optimality, efficiency of realisation of concrete power at each level of the power and necessity of uniform regulation of this or that sphere of public relations in all territory of the state.
Keywords: the Subject of legal regulation; public relations; a method of legal regulation; right principles
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