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Abstract: The necessity of distinguish and study of a new classification category of legal entities associated with a particular target purpose of an organization is demonstrated. The purpose of these entities is the implementation of public functions and public interest. This group includes, in particular, public companies and corporations. The division of legal entities for commercial and non-profit organizations is not able to reflect the specifics of such organizations. The contradictions of civil approaches to the allocation of this type of organizations, lack of common regulatory requirements for realization of their activities is noted. The decision of inexpedience of maintaining a state corporation and state-owned company as a legal form is called into question. Given the importance of legal entities implementing public interest, the government will not stop searching for new forms of its presence in the economy on the basis of private funds. In fact, many organizations, regardless of the legal form, already have a dual legal status. On the one hand they operate as a legal entity. On the other hand, they have functions of state bodies, given the appropriate authority. The organizations of this new type carry out in practice implementation of government objectives on the basis of their powers of an administrative nature. Similar processes occur in other countries. The aim of this strategy is creation of a form of legal entity, focused on the implementation of public interests and objectives. The author concludes the necessity to intensify scientific research in this area.
Keywords: legal persons of public law; the system of legal entities; public interest; the State Corporation
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