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Abstract: The Civil Code contains article, which sets out the basic principles of civil law the first time. Such a legislative decision spurred a new round of research interest to this law category. However, the ruling in a civil- law doctrine remains of the principles of civil law, according to which they help to correctly understand the meaning of industry regulation and interpret specific legal norms, but their regulatory function is limited only to cases omissionship in the legislation. This approach prevents the practical application of the principles , does not allow to fully realize their potential. We need a new methodological approach to the research of the principles of civil law, according to which their study should be conducted on two structural levels: theoretical and practical. The theoretical level covers the development and justification of the theoretical concept of the principles of civil law, including issues about the concept of common law principles , their essential features , content, system , the functional role. On a practical level, should be investigated problem of the application, the practical properties and suggested their possible solution. For this it is necessary to develop a set of measures aimed at the implementation of the principles of civil law in the law-making and law enforcement. According to the author, the proposed methodological approach can be successfully applied not only to research the principles of civil law, and not only in the area of civil law, but also for other legal categories, including those in the other branch of legal science.
Keywords: civil law; the principles of civil law; the research of the principles; theoretical problems of principles; practical problems of principles; concepts; methodology
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