This article investigates the peculiarities of legal regulation of the constitutional (statutory) courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation.
Analysis of the legislation of the subjects of the Russian Federation on the constitutional (statutory) courts and the practice of constitutional (statutory) courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation, including in the area of social security law, and the investigation led to a number of conclusions and recommendations that enhance the role of the constitutional subjects of the Russian Federation in the development of legislation the subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of social welfare and improve mechanisms to protect the rights of citizens to social security and other constitutional rights. The Republic of Karelia is established that the ability to abstract normative control of citizens and legal persons in a much greater extent provide citizens with the implementation and protection of their rights to social security by constitutional proceedings. This is especially true given the recent restrictions on the ability of citizens and courts in the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation.
In order to improve performance of constitutional (statutory) courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of social security law is expedient to amend the laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation, governing constitutional (statutory) courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation: to provide the right treatment to the constitutional (statutory) courts subject of the subjects of the Russian Federation with a request to check for compliance with the constitution (charter) of a Russian legal acts or their separate provisions to any person or entity, if the applicant considers them inconsistent with the constitution (charter) of the subjects of the Russian Federation, regardless of whether it violated the right to challenge a piece of legislation specific case; consolidate the constitutional (statutory) courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation right for execution prior constitutional laws of the subjects of the Russian Federation in the social security law, attributed to a number of acts subject to constitutional review, legal acts of local self-government.
Keywords: social security legislation; constitutional (charter) courts; the authority of constitutional (charter) courts; constitutional control
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