DOI: 10.17072/1995-4190-2015-4-110-116
I.A. Susloparov
Perm State University
15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990
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Introduction:the article studies the controversial issues of the establishment of regulations regarding violent crimes against property, extortion, and criminal coercion. Purpose: to study the pre-existing regulatory approaches to assessing the legal nature of extortion; to study scientific sources and law of practice; to find solutions to current problems considering experience of the Russian legislature. Methods: general methods of scientific research (dialectical, metaphysical), general scientific methods (synthesis, analysis, system approach) and specific scientific methods (legalistic, comparative legal, historical, sociological) were used.
Conclusions: the author proposes differentiating responsibility for extortion and establishing a set of regulations on criminal enforcement taking into account experience of the Russian legislature.
Keywords: criminal law; violent crimes against property; extortion; criminal enforcement
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