Abstract: Invited to participate general meeting (conference) of employees in the implementation of social partnership in a remote employees.
Currently, there is a need to design a legislative level provisions on the order form, the legal status of the general meeting of employees to effective enforcement of labor laws concerning collective bargaining regulation.
Due to the recent changes made to the labor laws, a number of issues relating to the implementation of remote workers their job description, as well as their social – labor rights. Choosing a representative body of workers, represented by the general meeting (conference) of employees, given a completely new kind of labor relations – remote work – perhaps to offer an innovative alternative for such workers representative body of workers that will be really interesting to them.
Of all the proposed forms is the most appropriate general meeting (conference) of employees as it has a number of advantages. For example, it has the potential exists in every organization as well as three or more workers are able to organize a general meeting, does not require additional formal conditions for its formation.
Such changes will be specific to remote work, as labor laws apply to all workers in the Russian Federation in accordance with Art. 13 Labour Code and, therefore, the implementation of social partnership is possible in the conditions of remote work by participating in the general meeting (conference) of employees.
Keywords: General meeting (conference) of the employees; remote work; social partnership
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