Abstract: The article examines the features of legal regulation of transfers to another job in accordance with the medical report on labor law of Russian Federation, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. In the legislation of each of these states there are certain disadvantages associated with the regulation of this issue. The existing Labour Code of the Russian Federation is not an exception, because its rules regulating transfers to another job in accordance with a medical report create a variety of theoretical and enforcement challenges need to be improved in terms of legislative technique and practically developing relations between employers and employees. In addition, there are objective problems associated with unwillingness and lack of interest of employers in the transfers this species because they are contrary to the interests of the production, are not economically viable and impractical except in rare cases. The elimination of these disadvantages can be effective with the use of foreign experience of legal regulation that requires the allocation of the most advanced legislative model enshrined in the legislation of the above countries. Author highlights the typical problems of this regulation in each country and also analyzes the current positions regarding its solution, based on an analysis of judicial practice, the positions of some researchers, makes proposals to address the deficiencies identified through changes in regulations. Also stands out the most optimal from the point of view of the author model of legal regulation of transfers to another job in accordance with the medical report, which substantiated not only the actual folding legal relationships between employees and employers, but also the positions of some researchers pays attention to this issue and the judicial practice. In conclusion, the article provides some recommendations for changes in existing labor legislation of the Russian Federation, based on the theoretical and practical materials investigated in the article.
Keywords: transfer to another job; medical report; registration of transfer
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