Abstract: The separate episodes of Professor L.Y. Bugrov’s life are described, in different periods of formation and artisticmaturity. Special attention is paid to his sensitiveness, active and honestparticipation in bringing up the students and cultivating love for the theaterarts and creativity at the very beginning of his work at the department; to hisactive social position, commitment to principles, ideal business reputation,good internal organization and responsible attitude to his labor.
It is noted that Leonid Yurievich isbest characterized by his closest colleagues at the department, his numerousstudents and the followers of his scientific activities.
Leonid Yurievich did not strive foradapting himself to “follow the crowd”. Honestly and fairly, he evaluated theevents and processes in the country with no regard to the political and socialconditions. He never was a dissident, and being a patriot he objectively foundevery positive feature of the Soviet period.
The urgency of the issues researchedby Leonid Yurievich, his authority and deep knowledge of the labor law, perfectspeaker’s skills provided for a high demand for his lectures.
For many years, Leonid Yurievich gavelectures in the “Znaniye” society. They were always interesting and wanted, andread not only in Perm but other cities.
Keywords: Leonid Yurievich Burgov, Juridicalc Department, individuality
Bibliograficheskij spisok
Zhuravlev S.F. Ot mira sego. Vstrechi v universitetskom gorodke. Kniga vtoraja. Perm', 2011. 200 s.