Issue 3 (21) 2013

BarkovAV_On Discussion of the Social Service Legal Institution Trends of Development its Correlation with Related Branches of Law

On Discussion of the Social Service Legal Institution Trends of Development its Correlation with Related Branches of Law

A.V. Barkov

Moscow Academy of Economics and Law
23, Warsaw highway, Moscow, 117105

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Abstract: This article defends position about development perspectives of legal institution of social services in approaching direction with branch of civil law and reveals intersectoral linkages with related legal institutions. It is given proof of conclusion that, as a result of interaction it was arised an integrated intersectoral private-law institute of social services, that “borders”on civil law and right to social securing, and which regulates two blocks of social relationship: social assistance (rendering social services) and social supporting (social help), requiring different modes of legal regulation.

These relations are regulated by norms which consist accordingly “social supporting” and “social assistance”and present oneself basic elements of original author’s conception of social accompaniment, called to be as an alternative of modern effective state system of social service of population.

The need to introduce these basic elements into a concept is provoked by heterogeneity of modes of legal regulation of relations in providing social services.Social assistance includes the group of relations to meet the property needs for social services, legal regulation of which is built on dispositive principles and tied with mobilization of internal potencial of personality in overcoming difficult life situation. In these relations the social service is the subject of civil rights and needs the contractual law regime.

Social support is a group of relations which, by their nature, cannot be governed by private-law means, requiring imperative distributive mode of legal regulation on social securing of pensions, social benefits, compensation payments, preferences and material help to people who are in difficult life situation and who can not to overcome it independently.

It is proved the possibility to recognize the social service as an object of market trade barter. It is emerged that determining criterion of social service is the only subject composition, that is a group of users of social service, regardless of who provides or pays for this service.

The contract is an effective means of legal regulation of the market of social services regardless of their method of payment.

It was suggested an offer of the need to legalize the construction of contract of social promotion for children deprived of parental care as a agreement between organizations for children orphan and the children deprived of parental care, and the organ of guardianship in favour of a third person – a child who is in a difficult life situation. This approach can be applied in other areas of social services.

Despite the different sectoral nature of these contracts, the general trend of development of these legal relationships should be acknowledged the increase of elements of private- law regime of regulation, which optimality is achieved by the combination of the elements of public law (elements of social assistance), the existence of which is guaranteed by the State in building a socially oriented market economy, that vindicates the position of development of private-law institute of social services.

 Keywords: market of social services; social support; contract model

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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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