At the present time innovation processes are intensively occurring in the institutions and bodies executing criminal punishment in Russia. This fact is conditioned by the dynamics of the development of Russian society. On the whole modern society is characterized by citizens’ acknowledgement of the importance of innovation way of development. According to sociological surveys approximately two thirds of Russians believe that innovation is a necessary condition for the future prosperity of their mother country.
A vector of reforming of domestic Penal System was determined by Russia's accession to the Council of Europe, which has led to the need for strict observance of international obligations in the field of execution of criminal punishment. The implementation of these commitments requires a wide range of different innovative measures, including legal and organizational measures.
The value of innovation for the penal practice is caused by its essential features. This activity links, on the one hand, proposals developed in science to improve the functioning of the Penal System and, on the other hand, their practical implementation. Innovation in itself is an intermediate step between science and practice. Its effectiveness is evaluated on the base of an applied orientation, as well as use of modern scientific methods in this or that sphere. Analysis of scientific and methodological support of experiments conducted in the recent years in the Penal System of Russia shows that due to innovative technologies one can create new effective mechanisms of interaction of departmental science and practice of execution of criminal punishment. The implementation of such mechanisms will improve the use of innovative resources of departmental educational and research institutions while reforming the Penal System.
In the paper we prove the necessity of legal regulation of innovation in the Penal System in Russia. Of considerable interest is the use of methodological instruments of innovation activity in order to reduce the risk of the introduction of the new in management of the institutions and bodies executing criminal punishment. Employment of innovative methods in the Federal Penal Service activity is aimed to ensure the achievement of the goals of penitentiary reforms carried out at the moment in Russia.
Keywords: innovations; the Penal System; Penal Service Development Conception till 2020
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