Issue 3 (17) 2012

Haritonova The Unification Treaty as an independent type of contract

The Unification Treaty as an independent type of contract

Yu.S. Haritonova

Moscow Academy of Economics and Law
23, Warsaw highway, Moscow, 117105
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Currently used in practice countless varieties of contracts, many of which are built on models that are not mentioned in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Still, it marked the model contracts are sufficiently representative. Using this principle is fairly consistent "results orientation" among the types of civil law contracts can allocate contracts for the association of persons, in which the activity of several individuals to achieve common goals. A test of association means that the sides, making the action under contract, must pursue the same goal, a means of achieving that could be a joint activity.

We offer a select group of contracts for the association of persons, some clarifying the classification of civil contracts and expanding the number of its contractual structures. Consideration of this group due to the inclusion of treaties establishing nepravosubektnyh formations, including the subjects of taxation or competitive relationships, allows us to give the whole group and the new name more accurately reflects the nature of these associations on an abstract level: the merger agreement.

Note that this association may be assumed as an association of property and of persons that are inextricably linked in our view. When the merged entity, their activities will be carried out on the basis of the property or skills. Conversely, if the combined assets are worth it for certain persons, property managers, to ensure its effective use, retrieve its useful properties.

The main features of the considered type of contract are: the existence of a common legal goal of participants; bring together the participants and their activities to achieve this goal, the management of the association.

For further classification of types of contracts mentioned above can be used to combine separate classification criteria. In this case it is understood that the treaties, combined in some groups, at each subsequent stage is representative of the preceding. Pending an agreement on joint activities aimed at creating and managing collective entities, as recognized and not recognized as legal subjects.

Thus, depending on whether the entity is created or not, this type of species will be agreements on the establishment of law (legal entities) and not the subject of law formations.

Keywords: merger agreement; the type of contract; not the subject of law; joint activities


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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