Issue 2 (16) 2012

Erahtina The Problem of Optimizing the Regulatory Functions of Civil Contract

The Problem of Optimizing the Regulatory Functions of Civil Contract

O.S. Erahtina

National Research University Higher School of Economics
38, Studencheskaya st, Perm, 614070
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Economic reforms in Russia have demanded revision of the established approaches to the legal regulation of contractual relations between the participants of the market turnover. However, the legal doctrine continues to pay scant attention to the value of contract law for the development of national economy.

Current doctrine holds archaic notions of contract and impose their to society.

Due to this fact, entrepreneurs, concluding a contract, not sufficiently aware of its legal role and the real possibilities in dealing with the challenges they face.

This article aims at solving the problem of optimizing the regulating function of the business contracts.

The problem of optimizing the regulatory function of contract was investigated in the work of R. Coase, R. Posner, A. Rosenfeld, O.Williamson.

Among domestic researches should emphasize the papers of B. Puginsky, I. Tsvetkov, M. Razu V.Tambovtsev M. Odintsov and other scientists.

Extant literature has shed some light on contractual issues. But regulatory capacity of the contract is not completely revealed.

Some interest to the Russian legal doctrine may be the experience of Germany, in particular researches of K. Tsvaygert and H. Koetz.

In the article author studies functions of the contract in an economy, the factors which create the regulatory potential of the business agreement. Also we determine the optimization methods and ways of development of each factors.

The author pays special attention to the study of the economic functions of the contract.

Using the methods of economic analysis of law to assess the effectiveness of legal regulation and to support the recommendations in the field of contract law will enhance the regulatory potential of the treaty business contracts.

This study also aims at identifying ways to effectively organize the processes of conclusion and execution of business contracts.

It appears that increasing the regulatory potential of the business contracts will contribute to the development of technology contract work.


Keywords: regulatory function of contract; legal regulation; contractual relations; regulatory capacity


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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