Perm institute economic and finance
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Based on the Perm Province example, the article describes the process of the notariate formation in the XVIII–XIX centuries. The importance of the notariate institution introduction is underlines as the law enforcement body and the high demand for the notarial activity in the developed civil society.
The purpose of the present research is the evaluation of the 1864 Court Reform influence onto the notariate institution development. The evolution of the notarial activity is seen at the Perm Province example.
Before the reforms, the villainage affairs were performed by different court and administrative bodies. The requirements to the dealers and the notary officers were the most minimal – to be literate and to be honest.
The Transitional Notarial Provision of 1866 had completely changed the legal status of the Russian notariate. The Provision introduced in Perm province since 1874, annulled the functions of the bodies that had performed the notarial activities before. Perm and its districts faced specific difficulties in their business life due to the transfer to the new circumstances. The author marks out the problematic issues in the notary officers’ activities organization within the reformation period at the territory of the Perm Province.
The notary officer candidature should have complied with definite characteristics. The professional skill was checked by the examiners; a property deposit was introduced to cover in case of incorrect operations. The article describes the regional specifics of appointing the notary officer and the requirement to the notary officer candidature, as well as the notary activities control.
The notary officers faced many complications in their work: there were cases not regulated in the legislation; there was a strict control of the regional court. The notary officer did not get either a salary or a retirement benefit although he was performing a state service. The Notary Regulation did not have a corporative grounds, and that prevented from the generalization and the improvement of the notary practice.
Nevertheless, in spite of the mentioned drawbacks, the author comes to the conclusion that the changes introduced by the Court reform positively influenced on defining the notariate position in the system of the court bodies, its competence, notary officer status, order of appointment and making the notary actions.
Keywords: notariat; Judicial reform; the Perm province; transactions; notary activity; Historical-law source; district court; Regulation on Notarial Section
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