DOI: 10.17072/1995-4190-2015-1-41-50
A.V. Ermakova
Perm State University
15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990
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Introduction: work is dedicated to the real estate category research in Russian pre-revolutionary science of civil law. Purpose and Objectives: the purpose is a review and description of civil law research of real estate category inRussian pre-revolutionary science of civil law. The objectives - showing up and examination of common traits, orientation and methodology of stated researches and also their theoretical and practical significance. Methods: the methodological basis – dialectical materialistic method of knowledge and general scientific methods of knowledge: description, analysis, generalization, comparison, system approach. Results: the description of positive law and legal science of concerned period is given in the work. Their influence on research study of real estate category is established. The author emphasizes and describes practical dogmatic and complex dogmatic researches of real estate category and estimates their significance in theoretical and practical perspectives. Deduction: allresearches of real estate category held in Russian pre-revolutionary science of civil law had practical perspective. Complex dogmatic researches of real estate category present theoretical perspective as well as for modern researches.
Keywords: Russian pre-revolutionary science; civil law; positive law; real estate; immovable objects;
practical dogmatic researches; complex dogmatic researches
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