Tadjik National University
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Abstract: In the article, the theoretical legal aspect is viewed and analyzed associated with the correlation between the substantive and procedural law norms in the legal regulation of the family relations, this legal aspect being one of the most timely trends of the family law. Based on the analysis performed, the author proposes measures on improving the national legislation.
It is noted that the legal protection of the family is regulated by different branches of law, because it (the family) is under the state’s protection. Depending on the contents of the legal relations associated with the family, it can be regulated by such law branches as the family law, the civil law, the land law, the labor law, the housing law, the criminal law and others.
The author pays attention to the fact that in the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan, there is no definition for notion “family”. In the juridical literature, there is no unified opinion for this. The absence of the unified opinion result in the diversity of the family definition criteria. The legislator does not give the definition of the “family”, but the analysis shows that its definite features are mentioned in some of the norms.
It is pointed out that the problem of providing the proper protection of the family rights and legal interests of the family relation participants has always been one of the most important issues of the modern family law science.
Keywords: family; marriage; legislation; procedural law; substantive law; legal norms; legal regulation
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