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This article is analyzed of existing regulation which dedicated to the term of the reorganization of a legal entity. The paper states that the beginning of the reorganization of a legal entity is the adoption of its founders (participants) or the body of the legal entity authorized by the constituent documents, decisions on the reorganization. Completion of the reorganization implements at the state registration of legal entities, created through the reorganization, as well as the introduction to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the termination of the legal entity, if the reorganization entails the termination of one or more legal entities.
The paper notes that the legislation does not define the specific terms of the reorganization, however, for the term of its influence regulatory requirements that bind the entity during the reorganization to make a set of actions specified in the law.
The publication also describes legality of the state registration of rights for the reorganized legal entity before the expiration of creditors' claims on the early termination or performance of obligations. The complexity of the qualification of legal relationship is that the variability of legal cases can cause them a different legal assessment. For example, the question of the legality of state registration created by the reorganization of legal entity may depend on whether application for state registration was filed before the publication of the last notification of the reorganization or after it.
In this set of material the author concludes that the law does not prohibit the state registration created by the reorganization of legal entity (introduction to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the termination of the last of the associate entities) before the expiration of creditors' claims on the early termination or performance of obligations. At the same time reorganized legal entity may apply for the state registration of rights only after the publication of re-notification of the reorganization, because up to this point, it will not be able to submit to the registering authority a document confirming the discharge of its statutory duty to publish twice in the media a notification of the reorganization.
Keywords: term of reorganization; state registration of rights in reorganization
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