Issue 4 (6) 2009
D.N. Latypov
15, Bukirev st., Perm, 614990, Perm State University
The article is devoted to the analysis of the legal essence of the right in rem recognition as seen through the existing court practice and theoretical approaches to the solution of the conflicts available. The peculiarities are described of the application of the defense type concerning the rem rights in particular; the conditions for the rem rights recognition are given. Based on the research work the proposals are formulated on fixing the rem right recognition way in article 20 of the Russian Federation Civil Code (devoted to the rem rights protection) as well as the vindictive and nugatory ways.
Keywords: right in rem recognition, way of the civil rights protection, conditions of the right in rem recognition, availability of the specific object of recognition as a special condition for the recognition, absolute and non-contractual character.
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