DOI: 10.17072/1995-4190-2015-3-24-29


Yu.S. Reshetov

Kazan (Volga region) Federal University,

18, Kremlyovskaya st., Kazan, 420008

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Abstract: the article is dedicated to research of legal regulation and law enforcement as bounds of functioning of law. The Aim of the article is to establish integrity and differentiation of legal regulation and enforcement of law. The Objectives of the research are to give consideration to interaction between legal regulation and law enforcement; demonstrate a role which legal regulation and enforcement of law play in the legal life of society. Methods: the research is conducted on the basis of dialectic approach; for solutions of different problems general scientific methods and specific methods of cognition of law were used, such as: systemic method, level method, analysis, synthesis, transition from the abstract to the concrete. In methodology of cognition of the processes in question pluralistic approach was used. Conclusions: legal regulation and enforcement of law are not a whole or a part, but the independent bounds of functioning of law. Legal regulation and law enforcement must not be opposed, because they ‘work’ on each other. Analysis of lawmaking and law-enforcement activity was conducted; their correlation as normative and individual regulators was demonstrated. Levels of legal regulation and enforcement of law are highlighted: structural (on a level of disposition and sanction of a legal norm), levels of substantive and procedural legal norms. In the research levels of lawmaking activity were analyzed from the point of view of legal force of a legal norm.



Keywords: legal norm; law; legal regulation; legal relations; application of law; enforcement of law;
levels of legal regulation; levels of enforcement of law


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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