Scientific-research institute of state and law named after Gairat Sapargaliyev
23/1, Alpamys batyr st., Chubara's microdistrict, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan, 010000
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The article is devoted to the problems of compliance with the principles of obligation and independence of the scientific examination of projects of normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan. These principles are derived from the content of the legislation establishing requirements for the scientific examination of projects, in particular the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On normative legal acts". Federal law "On anti-corruption examination of normative legal acts and projects of normative legal acts" notes the obligation of carrying on the anti-corruption examination on projects of normative legal acts as one of the principles of the anti-corruption examination. At the same time, it is stated that the institutions of civil society and citizens can pursue an independent anti-corruption examination of normative legal acts (projects of normative legal acts).
According to the content of the article obligation and independence of the scientific examination of projects is the foundation of quality of detecting the defects in the norms of law, which can serve as a circumstance of committing the crimes. Therefore, it is stated that the scientific examination can be a essential component in counteracting to criminality while observance of principles of its implementation.
This is reflected in the points through which the principles of obligation and independence of scientific examination can remain declarative. Among them are the dependence of scientific organization and an expert on body-developer of the project and quality criteria for examination, which don’t match with the methodical requirements for the examination.
However, a limiting factor reducing risks of non-compliance identified principles should be the implementation of the principle of transparency of scientific examination. In this regard, it is seen whether exceptions to the rule of scientific examination on the rules of Scientific organization and an expert is required to ensure the confidentiality of information relating to the subject matter of scientific examination, of its execution and the scientific results.
Keywords: normative legal act; crime prevention; scientific examination; principles of conducting the scientific examination; criminogenic risk; legislation
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