Issue 1 (19) 2013



O.A. Kravchenko

Stavropol branch of the International bar Association «St. Petersburg»
k. 27, 328/5, Lenin str., Stavropol, 355003


The article is devoted to the relationship between democracy and the will of the people. The notion of popular sovereignty, including in relation to the individual voter. Proposes an understanding of modern democracy as the expression of the will of the people, which should be reliably determined. The article made the following conclusions. The voter, as a part of the people, has, on the basis of the principle «one voter – one vote», belonging to him an integral, inalienable and equal shares in the sovereign power of the people. The refusal of the shares in the sovereign power of the people is invalid. In connection with this, the intention of a voter from the point of view of democracy, it is a powerful instrument for the adoption of a political solution, based on its share of the sovereignty of the people. In turn, the will of the people from the point of view of democracy, it is a powerful instrument of realization of the sovereignty of the people based on the amount of the pronouncement of will of the voters. Thus, we can conclude that the citizen has a share in the sovereignty of a nation, realizing it by means of the constitutional right to participation in management of state Affairs, including the right to elect and to be elected by voting. In turn, the voter's intention is a powerful solution, and should therefore have attributes of collateral estoppel, as for example, the decision of the authority concerned and reported in a written document. Giving legal and evidential force of such a document would create the conditions for effective judicial protection of a specific expression of the will of the voter. Given the concept of reliability and unreliability of the will of the people. The credibility of the expression of the will of the people is understood as the conformity of the will of the people of his will, as well as an adequate reflection of the will of the people of the official documents on the results of the voting. Under the unreliability will of the people is understood as the mismatch will of the people of his call (Vice of the will of the people), as well as the inadequate reflection of the will of the people of the official documents on the results of the voting (the distortion of the will of the people).

Keywords: democracy; the will and the will of the people; the people's sovereignty


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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