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Introduction: the article discusses the legal nature of corporate relations. In civil law, it is assumed that the relations connected with corporate governance are based on the principle of subordination, but are not actually the relations of power and subordination. There is an opinion that relations of corporate governance are regulated by civil law and are a form of civil organizational relations. According to another position, such relations should be governed by two methods of legal regulation concurrently. Thus, of great importance is the task of answering the question on the possibility to regard relations of corporate governance as the subject of civil regulation. Purpose: to develop a scientific understanding of what branch of law relations of corporate governance belong to, based on the analysis of scientific literature and civil legislation. Methods: a systemic approach, methods of comparison, description, interpretation, theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic were applied, as well as specific scientific methods as follows: a comparative legal method and interpretation of legal norms. Results: the analysis of the positions of scientists and the current civil legislation has shown that corporate governance relations are an integral part of the subject of civil law, different from property, personal non-property and organizational relations. Conclusions: it is necessary to distinguish between the power of public law and power of private law. Despite the opinion prevailing in the doctrine of civil law that relations of governance can only refer to public law, it is proved that these relations can be part of the subject of civil law. Such relations of power and subordination are regulated by the method of legal equality of the parties. At the same time, it is important not to confuse the subject and the method of civil regulation.
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