RUSSIAN Lands as Related to the Dzhuchi settlement (horde):
the Vassal State or a Part of the Horde State?

I.I. Nazipov

The Perm institute of economy and the finance
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This article explores one of the most controversial in the historical science, the question of the nationality of the Russian lands XIII-XV centuries. Ulusu Dzhuchi (The Golden Horde). While scientists are not used for its decisions, legal scientific methods. The article contains a brief presentation made by the author of the manifestations of generally accepted in the social sciences attributes of a state such as the Russian lands as evidence of the functioning of the them of the statehood of the Horde or the statehood of the Russian principalities. Power in the Russian lands was carried out on behalf of the ("king"), not the prince. The princes were "officers" khan who ruled according to his own will and fulfilled in their lands assigned khan of their duties. In the Russian lands carries out its activities khan administration of aliens (aliens for the population of these lands). Formally, the princes of the recognized khan ("king") his suzerain. Moreover, the formal recognition of authority of the khan was accompanied by humiliating procedures for the Russian princes! The Russian people, the more the princes and the boyars were in the Horde of court, and furthermore, the (!) went to the court of the khan's call (not as prisoners of war, for example, подергались the court, namely as subjects, slave!). Khans were from Russia regular taxes and charges, was assigned to collect their officials, they sold the right to collect the muslim merchants. Not of Russian origin officials made in Russia population census for record of the number of taxpayers. Russian troops were forced to fight by the will of the khans, and thus in the foreign policy of his, Russian lands were not sovereign, but are subject to the Horde. The supreme source of law in Russia were khan's labels, which determined who will be the prince of the principalities and will comply with regulatory power in it, what categories of people are exempt from taxes and charges at the border crossing. Such character of the state as a public authority, a government organization on a territorial basis, the sovereignty, the taxation, the rule of the правотворчестве applied to a given set of events testify to the fact that in the Russian lands of the XIII–XIV centuries was the state of the Horde and not the Russian principalities as a state. A study of communications of the Russian lands and Ulus Dzhuchi, in the framework of these characters, with the amendment to the realities of the XIII–XV centuries, gave the following answer to the question of research, "Russian lands were a part of the Tatar state. Of course, not in the whole period of the russo-horde relations, in which there is a gradual decrease depending on the Horde.

Keywords: signs of the state; Ulus Dzhuchi; the state accessory of Russian lands

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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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