On the Issue of Legal Regulation Efficiency in Modern Russia

S.G. Vorontsov

Perm State National Research University
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In theory the law assessment of the effectiveness of the right traditionally takes place through comparison of the objectives which pursued the legislator with the results that had been achieved in the end. The author of the article offers a new in jurisprudence assessment method of the effectiveness of the legal regulation mechanism. Law is regarded as a variant of mass communication which has particular IT characteristics. For assess of effectiveness of Russian law used the so-called model of Lassuиll: Who says? To Whom? What says? What channel used? With what efficiency? This method being used to evaluate the media from the middle of the last century. In this article in details the process of communication between the legislator and the part of country's population in Russia, which are the subjects of the seven major groups of social relations governed by Russian law (civil, labour, family, housing, tax, criminal, administrative) have been analysed. In particular, researches were conducted which using specific sociological methods. In this context the six-fold growth of the amount of legal information for a considerable part of the population of the Russian Federation in comparison with the Soviet period is mentioned. This volume of text is mapped with the actual capabilities of consumers legal information. In particular, the speed reading and the time which the usual residents of Russia spends on the read are proposed as a variant of estimation. It is proved that law-making process in Russia hasn’t been resulted in the forming of the target legal conscience and socialization process. The reason of that is the following: contemporary Russian law-maker creates the “product”, which is inaccessible for understanding by the mainstream population of the country. In while as a normal resident of Russia tries to read the seven major codified sources, latest changed about four times. In the end of time reading the text of Russian law almost always will be not actually. The disastrous state of this kind of mass communication also illustrate and judicial statistic. For example, in resent years in Russia a number of cases in court and expenditures of judicial system are doubling. Among the most significant factors negated the effectiveness of the legal influence the following ones can be mentioned: the redundant amount of the legal information, unreasonable frequency of the amending of the legal framework, insufficient capacity of the communication channels between state and population, and some others. Some measures to change the situation are offered in the article. In particular, we recommend to reduce the volume of legal information in country through the introduction standards of legislation, moratorium on additions and changes of the laws, the downsizing of the deputies, the change mode their law-making, the need for the introduction of pay systems linked to the quantity and quality of their laws, etc.


Keywords: effectiveness of law; problems of legal regulation

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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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