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Article is devoted that in the Russian Federation there is no uniform system of the legal accurately designated purposes of interaction of the person and the state caused by participation of the citizen in an administrative office of the state. Available legal aspects целепологания are analyzed from the point of view of the individual, a state policy, the government. It is established, that formation process целепологания activity is combined enough and demands constant monitoring concerning efficiency of realization of those or other positions. Attraction to the given process of the individual is supposed only at level of the legal declaration. Existing practice правоотношений, citizens developing in the course of interaction and the state in a state administrative office, in many respects promotes error, that for the individual it is necessary to solve to public authorities, without attraction of the citizen to establishment process целепологания activity of the state form. And it, in turn, again leads to that the state and at democratic establishments continues to function for itself, transforming a constitution-legal establishment of democracy and a democratic mode of board in the fiction covered with high aspirations to the ideal state, satisfying all requirements of the individual and creating the general prosperity. It is defined, that the establishment of the purposes of participation of citizens in a state administrative office in the Russian Federation is the basic beginning in the course of interaction of the person and the state. The understanding and accurate representation of to what is necessary to aspire, predetermines all further activity on an establishment of legal mechanisms and helps formation of organizational-legal bases of activity of citizens, bodies of the state and officials.
Keywords: interaction of citizens and the state; participation of citizens in a state administrative office; activity for the sake of the purpose; process of achievement of the purposes; definition procedure целепологания; a legal establishment of expediency
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