Perm State National Research University
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Abstract: The "scientific problem" is researched as an independent category of the law methodology. The correlation between “problematic situation”, “scientese problem” and “scientific problem” in the civil law is shown. The scientific problem should be distinctly formulated in the title of the dissertation, and after that a successful search process is started which removes the contradictions and gaps in existing civil knowledge. The correctly defined scientific problem determines the purpose, the directions and the organization of the scientific process. The imaginary scientific problems are described, their classification and characteristics are given through the civil legal material. The conclusion is made that many of the problems studied by the beginning researchers have only subjective novelty that does not differ from the existing real scientific groundwork. Some of the issues that are called scientific problems by the researchers are solved by different methods of juridical explanation and are not aimed at increasing the existing scientific knowledge. It is explained that the symptom of the scientific problem existence is its inability to be solved through the usage of the very general provisions of the theory – the civil law principles. The solving of the scientific problem is viewed as the criteria for awarding the titles of the doctor of sciences and candidate of sciences. The correlation between “solving the scientific problem” and “solving the issue” is shown for evaluating the criteria for awarding the scientific degree.
Keywords: civil science; scientific problem; civil methodology; imaginary scientific problem; civil dissertations; legal regulation; object of research in the civil science; civil legal model; juridical construction; methodology of the civil and legal regulation; civil law internationalization
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