Russian academy of justice
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Abstract: The article defines the place of the basic principles of civil law in the other forms of law, revealed features of the application. A critical analysis of changes in civil law. Recognition of the state, the most important , objectively existing phenomena , conditions , needs (public law ) gives them the character of a particular form of law – the principles of civil law, as opposed to the standard case law , regulations and statutory instruments have a higher level of abstraction . The principles are not prescribed in the form of legal obligations to participants of civil relations , and addressed to the state. In this regard, the simultaneous binding of the Civil Code in good faith as a fundamental principle of civil law and the presumption does not seem logical . The features of the application of the principles in the law-making and enforcement. In contrast to the executive authorities , the legislature must take into account the principles of civil law in the process of law-making . It is proved that only the President of the Russian Federation should be taken into account in its law-making fundamental principles of civil law , as has the initiative in making unsolicited law regulations. The need to apply the basic principles of civil law judicial law specifies only in cases resolve situations in public circulation , trapped unregulated current legislation (paragraph 2 of Art. 6 CC). The author believes that a given rate of honesty, reasonableness and fairness are understood differently – how to characterize the behavior of participants in civil legal relations.
Keywords: the principle of law; the principle of civil rights; the basic principles of civil law; law-making; law enforcement; judicial activism; the analogy of law; the legal presumption; the presumption of good faith; international law
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