National University of Uzbekistan named after Migzo Ulugbek
400, Farobi st., Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan, 700174
E-mail: l.burkhanova@ mail. ru
Abstract: The article is devoted to the review on the contract and paid services on its improvement on the basis of the civil legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The article defines the scope and basic services, as well as the need for civil regulation of new services based on the Civil Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the laws, regulations, rules and regulations. The article provides a definition and content of the paid services, considered signs, legal description and classification of paid services agreement in the spheres of economic, social and cultural activities. Analyzed the difficulty of distinguishing the norms of labor and civil rights in the regulation of relations in the provision of services, which is evident in cases where the service is provided by an individual, not a legal entity. We consider features of the employment contract and paid services contract on the basis of civil and labor legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Formulated certain proposals on the improvement of the civil legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the sphere of application of the Treaty of paid services.
Keywords: services; types of services; contract for paid services; сlassification of the contract of paid services; labor contract
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