Kuban State University
149, Stavropolskay st., Krasnodar, 350040
E-mail: anastasiya_ivaschenko@mail.ru
In this article the legislation that controls entrepreneurial activity in the Russian Federation is analyzed. At the result of study of the legal authorities, it has become possible to determine a number of traditions which are very important for strengthening of the economy of the country.
The subject of the article is important, because at present time the Russian Federation is at the point of economic development, when the new models of economic relations are formed. Social and economic reforms have resulted in rush development of private sector of economy. That is why the formation of entrepreneurship plays an important role in strengthening of the economy of the country. The requirement for qualitative formation and development of the category concerned is the study of historical aspects of the entrepreneurial activity in Russia.
The formation of the entrepreneurship in the period from VIII till XIX centuries contributed to the development of the Russian state and of certain traditions. The fundamental traditions are as follows: 1) since ancient times the entrepreneurship served to public interests; 2) entrepreneurial activity contributed to the strengthening of the economy of the country; 3) entrepreneurial activity involved a great number of people and at the result the interests of both, the entrepreneur and the state were satisfied; 4) over the centuries the state traditionally maintained the entrepreneurship that contributed to the development of trade, upsurge of farming and industry as a whole; 5) particular characters of people favoured to the strengthening of entrepreneurship; 6) charity as a specific feature of entrepreneurship; 7) moral principles of the entrepreneurial activity; 8) the increasing role of entrepreneurship in development of civil regulation.
The traditions mentioned above are important for civil regulation of the entrepreneurial activity.
It is necessary to mention that since 1917 there has happened a turn at the development of entrepreneurial traditions in Russia. The public policy denied the attributes of entrepreneurial relations such as commodity-money relations, trade and market – all that the entrepreneurs have been aiming at for centuries.
In 1990 with passing of the RSFSR law “Of the Enterprise and the Entrepreneurial Activity” the lost entrepreneurial traditions have been renewed.
Keywords: civil legislation; tradition; undertaking activity; undertaking law; undertaker
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