This article deals with the chicane as historically the first form of the law abuse with which started the formation of the institute law non-abuse based on the principle of "pure chicane" and, as it recognizes the chicane particular form of abuse of law.
The author analyzes literature on civil construction of non-chicane as a specific form of abuse of civil law. The article defines the signs chicane and justifies the conclusion that the understanding of the chicane by the Ukrainian legislator as an action seeking to undermine the single slave, does not necessarily qualify for other forms of abuse of the law solely as careless (unintended) harm.
The author comes to the conclusion that a broad interpretation of the chicane is inexpedient, since such an approach actually creates a new foundation and structure of tort, which violates the constitutional rights (Section 22 of Art. 92 of the Constitution of Ukraine) on the establishment of the legal basis for civil liability. If the law (Article 13 of the Civil Code of Ukraine) does not cover cases which are recognized chicane, applying to it the provisions of the safeguards provided for in Art. 13 Civil Code of Ukraine is illegal.
In contrast to the broad interpretation, the extension of these Civil Code provisions on the chicane is possible only if the passage of such changes in the scope of the chicane after the necessary legal procedures to modify Art. 13 CC of Ukraine.
The author substantiates the conclusion that in today chicane demarcation from other forms of the law abuse should be conducted under the criterion of exclusivity and uniqueness intention of causing harm to another person and in the actions of the offender other lawful purpose, which has the definitive character. Such an approach to the concept of the chicane reflects the inherent tendency of the modern civil law for the transition from the "principle of pure chicane" to the "chicane absent when the legitimate interests are decisive."
The author proves the feasibility of limiting the scope of the chicane by the noncommercial sphere of civil turnover, as the entrepreneur, by definition, seeks to systematically profit, all other intentions only complement the main goal, accompanied it.
Keywords: chikane as a special form of abuse of civil right; principle of «pure chikane»; actions with exclusive and sole intent to suffer damage; malicious actions to address the feelings of revenge and nuissance; abuse of the right with determine legitimate interests; unfair exercise of the rights of the enterpreneur
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