The article explored the objective social and economic conditions and factors that contribute to the significance of transport as a significant economic sector the EU, which determined the immediate need to establish a special "total" transport policy for regional integration grouping and its legal basis. Familiarity with the basic principles of general policy and legal framework of the functioning of the European transport corridors is essential for today's Russia, not only for the simple reason that the member countries of European integration is a multinational regional association, which is the main foreign trade partner of Russia. Must be considered and future trends in European transport corridors, with the possibility of extending routes and distribution of their legal status to Asian destinations, with subsequent transformation into the Eurasian routes. We study the legal basis of relations between the EU and Russia in the field of transport policy, knowledge of which is intended to ensure that Russian economic entities operating in the European market, the ability to intelligently take advantage of, which are incorporated in the European integration law.
Keywords: transportation; European integration law; the common market; free movement of people and goods; transport
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