The article is devoted to one of the most complicated institutions of the criminal law – to the accompliceship. The criminological features of the organized crime group individuals are viewed as well as the social and psychological aspects of the criminal complicity. The topic is studied using statistical data, electronic and published materials of the Murmansk region.
The author points out that the organized criminality at the territory of the Murmansk region is one of the most critical factors that worsen the situation in the area.
In its most general concept, the accompliceship is committing a crime by several individuals. Discovering the criminological and the social psychological aspects of the complicity helps to define the specific features of the accomplice personality. Firstly, it is noted that the presence of an organizer is one of the distinguishing features of the organized crime group (criminal complicity). He is a most meaningful figure of the criminal complicity and has a decisive authority.
Besides the actual perpetrator of the crime, there could be joint participators of the crime. There is one more type of a perpetrator – it is an affected perpetrator. As a rule the affected perpetrators are juveniles involved into the crime by instigators, organizers and other individuals.
The author proposes to split the abetting into intellectual and physical. The physical abetting is providing the perpetrator with means and crime instruments, or removing obstacles for the crime commitment. The intellectual abetting is the direct influencing the consciousness, and the physical abetting is the actions influencing the consciousness.
It is noted in the article that the offender’s personality emerges at the moment when the criminal actions start. Like every other action, the criminal action is the manifestation of the internal motifs, attitudes and characteristics of the personality.
Keywords: organized crime; participation; Murmansk region; prevention of crimes
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