The Russian Federation, being an equal right participant of the civil legal relations and acting on equal terms with other subjects of law, has distinctive specific features of its civil and legal status, which are manifested particularly in the Russian Federation participation in legally binding relations.
The author justified that the situations defined by the legislation when the Russian Federation acts directly a saparty in an obligation are exclusively the manifestation of aspecific public function. Therefore the possibility of the situation when the Russian Federation directly participates in civil legal obligation as a party should be directly or indirectly fixed in the legislation.
The legal capacity of the Russian Federation is defined by the author as a functional one; therefore the mentioned direct or indirect legal fixing of the Russian Federation acting as a party in a specific obligation is mandatory.
The state bodies acting on behalf of the Russian Federation in the civil turnover have no right to enter into any legal relations at their option in case there is no legally defined competence or direct instruction for the possibility to conclude a contract on behalf of the state.
Taking into account the fact that contractual relations are the most common type of the relations with the state, the systematization of the contracts with the Russian Federation as an actual or possible contract party is viewed to be essentially important. The article in question is devoted to this systematization.
The author gives a detailed analysis of the cases when the legislation provides for the state participation in the legally binding relations and proposes a system of reasons for such relations beginning, with this analyzing the specific features of the Russian Federation civil and legal status when participating in the civil turnover of the legally binding relations.
Besides defining the system of reasons for the Russian Federation entering into the property relations, the author analyzed special cases of such participation and the associated problems of the law application, and based on that the legislative measures for changing the relation regulation were proposed.
The article is also devoted to the analysis of the theoretical regulations which have been regulating and regulate the state participation in the legally binding relations. In particular, the author justified the separation of the state contract as a specific legal construction which is an intermediary for satisfying the state needs.
The research also contains the analysis of the existing trends in the mentioned relations, their criticism and personal proposals of the author as referred to the current Russian legislation reforming.
Keywords: legally binding relations, civil turnover, civil and legal status of the Russian Federation
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