In recent yearsone of the most actual issues among social scientists, both domestic and overseas, was the topic of the present and the future of Russia. It was hotly debated last winter during the mass protest meetings, caused by the passed elections. In Russia and abroad, articles about an impending «white revolution» in Russia were released. This article attempts to show the link between «color revolutions» and objective historical trends of human development. The paper reviews the fundamental principles of a democratic society, showing their connection with the humanization of social life and the stability of state power, and considers the external and internal conditions and factors that make «color revolutions» possible. Due attention is paid in the article to the analysis of the technique of «color revolutions», thus enabling the comprehension of the peculiarities of the behavior of the opposition during the implementation of democratic revolutions.
In the late XX – early XXI centuries, researchers from many countries came to the unanimous conclusion that the era of the global crisis of democracy is impending. The article considers the signs of the crisis of democracy in the world and in Russia, the features of the current Russian political system, which formed in the 2000s, and its flaws, common to other Western countries and national ones.. To the latter the author refers a declarative nature of some articles of the Constitution, implementation of which is an indicator of a democratic society, formal character of many of democratic institutions, the absence of competitive political space, the weakness of representative government, monocentric, personalistic nature of power and power relations, the dominance of bureaucracy, alienation of the government from people and people from the government, etc. All this testifies to the weakness and inefficiency of the state power in Russia today. To ensure the future of Russ there is the need of real, but not decorative reforms of the political system.
Keywords: color revolution; crisis of democracy; political system; global shadow structures; controlled chaos; political reform
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