Judge of Kirovskiy district court, Perm
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Abstract: Annotation: in the article with different positions freshened fundamental characteristics and the basic methods of realization of state coercion in criminal law, is defined by its nature, a place in the system of criminal legal relations. The author considers the criminal coercion as the independent legal Institute with its own purpose, and acting as the primary means of addressing criminal law tasks. Special attention is paid to defining the place of criminal enforcement in the methods of criminal law. Based on the analysis of the different approaches, the author defines the notion of a state compulsion in matters of criminal law, while also offering its own vision of this criminal law Institute. The paper also proposed is the definition of state coercion in criminal law in the not-poor value that allows to reveal its contents with parties, defined specific and socio-legal purpose, fixed forms of its implementation. Both theoretical and practical importance is the determination of the main methods of solving criminal law tasks, using coercion, for that is the question that lies at the basis of the effectiveness of criminal regulations, directions and priorities for their implementation. the implementation. Both theoretical and practical importance is the determination of the main methods of solving criminal law tasks, using coercion, for that is the question that lies at the basis of the effectiveness of criminal regulations, directions and priorities for their implementation.
Keywords: criminal law; criminal law; criminal coercion; criminal law targets; methods of criminal-legal protection
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