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In this paper, further improvement of the concept of administrative reform. The official doctrine in this area is a system of fundamental beliefs, ideological priorities and practical developments. The author of the opinion of non-focus only on the internal aspects of management. We also show that can only be the relative degree of maturity and completeness of the concept of administrative reform. The conclusion about the need to overcome fragmentation of doctrine, establishing a single policy document, which brings together all areas of reform.
The concept of reform is a combination of traditional measures of public administration and optimization measures that have an innovative content. The reform will open the possibility of a new legal culture in the management, and consolidate more of the rights of its members, to establish procedural mechanisms and guarantees of other powers, the principles of "positive control", to revise the legal framework and the theory of executive power.
The vision and action plan of administrative reform in the Russian Federation in 2006-2008 are the organizational tools to encourage the reform process, the basis of systematic work, the official strategy of legal policy, the act of promoting the ideas of reforming the public sector. Adoption of the Concept was crucial for promoting reform.
The obvious approach, which involves the connection of domestic experience and achievements of international practice of reform in Russia is not consistent implementation. In addition, there is no perception of administrative reform in the state plan changes, system to create a lasting ideological and scientific foundation of reform in Russia. Must be merged into one program the concepts that fit the overall strategy of modernizing the institutions of governance. In connection with this problem, attention to the need of national center for developing and implementing state policy in the area of administrative reform, as well as the adoption of comprehensive legal solutions and develop new administrative and legal doctrine.
Keywords: concept of administrative reform; public administration reform; the executive branch
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