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Loss occurrence in the system of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases can involve the implementation of primary and secondary social risk. The first is reflected in the loss of earnings, the second - the need to incur additional costs. In accordance with Federal law of 24 July 1998 “On Compulsory Social Insurance against accidents and occupational diseases” persons suffered with physical or mental damage during work can expect additional cost compensation for medical rehabilitation.
The term “medical rehabilitation” is used in two forms − the broad and narrow. The broad concept includes all activities related to health care of the victim, including his treatment, the use of medicines, medical devices, etc. In a narrow sense, medical rehabilitation is aimed at consolidating the results of the treatment, restoration of the physical forces of the insured person and is often carried out in sanatoriums. From the standpoint of legal technique two different concepts can’t be defined in one way, therefore, it seems appropriate, first, to introduce a legal definition of medical rehabilitation, and secondly, use other identification of medical rehabilitation in sanatorium conditions, for example, the term “sanatorium rehabilitation”.
One element of medical rehabilitation is the treatment of the insured, however, it can be used only by victims of serious accidents, which doesn’t seem fair.
The legal definition of insurance support assumes that the insured person may receive only cash payments, however, victim receives treatment after paying for medical services. This situation makes it necessary to adjust the definition of the concept of insurance coverage for insurance against occupational risks.
The law should clarify the authority of citizens to choose one type of social insurance coverage with respect to health care. It is also necessary to adjust the rules in terms of clarifying the type of program of state guarantees the provision of free medical care to citizens, based on financial standards, which calculates the cost of treatment of the insured.
Keywords: social insurance; professional risk; medical aid; accident on manufacture
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