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The author discovers the legal status category of the joint-stock company single executive board based on the legal status state body category accepted in the theory of state and law and constitutional law. The author comes to a conclusion that a legal status is a characteristic of the legal relations participants rather than of the right holder. The article displays the constitutional and legal contents of such legal status elements as authorization, competence and functions, which are directly used in the Russian Federation Civil Code and Federal Law “On the Joint-Stock Companies” relating to a single executive board of a joint-stock company; the mentioned notions are compared in their constitutional and civil meanings. It is proved that the following legal status elements could be applied to a single executive board, provided the constitutional terms are turned into civil terms and the disciplinary particularities of the single executive board position are taken into account: 1) the order of start and termination of authorities; 2) functions and targets; 3) competence, rights and duties, acts; 4) liability of the single executive board. The analysis of the legal status category contents makes it possible for the author to make a conclusion that the legal person board has all the elements of the legal status. These elements differ from the legal status of the legal person itself, although they are all unquestionably included into the legal person status contents as a legal status of its integrated part. The legal status of the single executive board of a joint-stock is a complex category which shows the relation of the single executive board with other bodies and with the joint-stock company.
Keywords: legal status; joint-stock company; single executive board
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