Perm University Herald. Juridical Sciences. 2021. Issue 1 (51)


E. E. Bogdanova, Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSAL)

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ORCID: 0000-0001-6181-9018
ResearcherID: I-7586-2018
Articles of «Scopus» & «Web of Science»:       ---
Requisites: Bogdanova E.E. Kotseptual'nye osnovy zashhity sub"ektivnykh grazhdanskikh prav v sfere reprogenetiki [Conceptual Framework for the Protection of Civil Rights in the Field of Reprogenetics]. Vestnik Permskogo universiteta. Juridicheskie nauki – Perm University Herald. Juridical Sciences. 2021. Issue 51. Pp. 30–56. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.17072/1995-4190-2021-51-30-56
DOI: 10.17072/1995-4190-2021-51-30-56

Introduction: the paper deals with the problem of civil rights protection when using genomic technologies in the field of artificial human reproduction. Breakthrough advances in medical and biological science set the state an important task of developing an effective system of legal guarantees aimed at ensuring a fair balance of interests of the parties to the relevant relationship and third parties, protecting the rights and interests of an individual, preventing human biotechnological engineering for the purposes of eugenic practice, etc. According to the author, special attention should be paid to the problem of protecting the rights of the child when using genomic technologies, including preimplantation genetic testing. Purpose: to solve the problem of developing the conceptual foundations of civil rights protection under civil law when using genomic technologies in the field of artificial human reproduction,  which involves researching the grounds and peculiarities of applying methods of civil rights protection when using genomic technologies, in particular the technology of preimplantation genetic testing, which will make it possible to productively use these constructions; to create a uniform law enforcement practice in this area. Methods: general scientific, interdisciplinary methods common to the science of civil law and biomedicine (e.g. mathematical method, logical method) and methods specific to each of these sciences; logical, comparative legal, formal legal methods. Results: the author has studied the following: the available Russian and foreign regulatory framework and doctrinal sources on the protection of civil rights, especially the rights of the child, in the field of genomic technologies application; the implementation of the methods of protecting civil rights when using genomic technologies and, in particular, protecting the rights of the child, with attention focused on the specific features of the parties involved in legal relations in this area; the peculiarities of the legal nature of civil liability in the considered category of disputes. Conclusions: the paper provides conclusions reflecting the author's conceptual view of the problem of civil rights protection under civil law when using genomic technologies, in particular, the technology of preimplantation genetic testing. There were determined the directions for improving legislation in relation to persons born as a result of artificial reproduction with the use of genomic technologies; the limits of genomic technologies application in the field of reprogenetics and the conditions of liability in case of their violation were justified.

Keywords: biotechnology; genomic technologies; implantation genetic testing (PGT); genome editing; CRISPR / Cas9; genome; rights of citizens; methods of civil legal protection ; grounds for civil legal protection; legal capacity; human embryo; embryo selection; genetic information; claims from wrongful birth and wrongful life; parental authorityв
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Received: 01.09.2020

The reported study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project No. 18-29-14014 mk 'The concept of the civil legal protection of citizens’ rights when using genomic technologies'

The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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