D.V. Shmykov

Perm State social Institute
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This article discusses the content of the concepts pornography and erotica. Given positions of the various authors to the concept of obscenity, pornography, erotica. Specifies criteria for distinguishing between pornography and erotica. In the opinion, A. Naumov "material or object is pornographic, if taken as a whole, aims to excite lust (rough sensual sex drive), and if clear, obviously cynical, obscene form depicts the sexual desire of man, and thus has no significant literary, artistic or scientific value". As can be seen from this definition, the main component of it is cynical and obscene form. A. Savelyeva said that "obscenity – that behavior," they drove into the paint" that is the person sticking to prevail in this society, cultural and social norms. On the other hand, the breadth of the concept of obscenity is quite individual. Sexually oriented obscenity and pornography is. But in the practice of law, this interpretation of the phenomenon is not working. "According to the author, it should be understood by pornography contrary to the principles of public morality, naturalistic vulgar, cynical representation of the sexual organs, the special detailed images of genitals, scenes of sexual intercourse, sexual perversion, insulting the honor and dignity of the person. Based on this definition, the following signs of pornography: It captures the attention of the consumer on the genitals, the manipulation of the genitals, intercourse and Technology of the meeting;• images of the genitals in pornography is an end in itself, following which takes away from the sexual life of other components of sexual behavior; pornography is not an expression of personal sense of sexual behavior; it unlike erotica focused only on the stimulation of sexual excitement; pornography depicts dehumanized socially or morally condemned forms of sex (homosexuality, group sex, sex with animals, etc.); It is present a demonstration of sex scenes is artistic task with detailed naturalistic rough, cynical, obscene details; in the case of pornographic material using a close-up, straight-angle shooting while showing scenes of sexual intercourse.

Keywords: pornography; erotica; morality indecency


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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