On the Issue of the Structure and Types of the Systems of Execution of Punishment as Imprisonment in 30–60th of XX Century

V.S. Mikhailov

Samara Juridical Institute of Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia
24-В, Rylsky st., Samara, 443022
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The article analyzes the legal basis for the formation of the structure and regulation of the Soviet penal system during operation of the GULAG (30 – 60th of the XX-th century). The characteristic features of the system of jails of the period – namely, the existence of two parallel systems sub prison – labor camps and forced labor camps, each of which is designated to the various categories of prisoners. We consider the similarities data subsystems, as well as their distinctive features. Affected by the application of penal policy funds to so-called 'class-alien "elements. Based on the analysis of normative acts regulating the sphere under consideration the state of the specified period, the author regards the origins of a single agency to manage all corrective labor institutions – the GULAG, its primary structure, number of employees, their competencies, as well as trends in the development and transformation, conditional sharing his work for the various periods: before the war, during World War II and the postwar period up to the end of the 60s.

In addition, consider a very specific aspect of the prisons of the period - the presence of special camps operating in the territory of Germany, subordinate to the Gulag, and the characteristics of the application of national law in the territory of a foreign state.

Summing up the analysis of social phenomena under consideration, the author comes to the conclusion that the functions of the GULAG throughout its existence remained unchanged. They simply refined, expanded or contracted depending on the dynamics of offenses and the specific historical conditions. The establishment and strengthening of the Soviet socialist system since the early days of its existence has been associated with a set of violent, repressive measures against different backgrounds. During the Soviet period, the prison system is converted to a labor that carried with it both positive and negative effects. It was during this period was developed scientific approach to issues such as the impact of correctional labor for convicts, educational work with the prisoners, the regime and the protection of prisoners, which no doubt is reflected in the current legislation.

Keywords: GULAG; penitentiary system; sentencing policy; legal regulation


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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Publishing 4 times a year