Specificity of Proving when Investigating the Economic Crimes Committed by the Management of Associations of Housing Owners

D.N. Marinkin

Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University
24, Siberian st., Perm, 614000
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Result of internal work of the inspector in the course of investigation of crimes in sphere of a housing-and-municipal complex is transition from private versions to the list of the circumstances which are coming under to proving on concrete investigated criminal case.

In scientific discussion it is necessary to differentiate level of thinking of the criminalist of the scientist and an expert. When the version is put forward, that, for example, the bookkeeper of association of proprietors of habitation has appropriated money resources are only the assumption which can receive the development and specification as a result of verifying actions.

Thus, besides the general ultimate fact specified in item 73 criminally of the code of practice of the Russian Federation to the subject of investigation it is recommended to establish and prove and the additional circumstances of criminal activity peculiar to sphere of a housing-and-municipal complex.

In spite of the fact that thus us that the inspector falls to enough small details of investigated events is supposed, in realities, necessity to think so is paramount and necessary. To be expressed it should in mind of the subject of investigation (including – versions) and on a paper – as the plan of verifying actions, or investigatory actions on criminal case materials.

The ultimate fact concrete definition is substantially connected with the careful analysis of economic-criminal schemes, and also detailed working out of available private versions as in practice there is a proving of the concrete economic-criminal schemes applied by certain categories of persons, by creation new and use of available conditions in which the criminal design is realised.

Researchers, in particular, talk about «circumstances coming under to an establishment», speak about «circumstances coming under to proving and revealing», meet and «the circumstances which are coming under to proving». Sometimes is present at the literature and the name - «a subject and proving limits at investigation». More correctly, in our opinion, to speak about the circumstances, coming under to proving, meaning, that they are necessary for establishing.

It would be desirable to notice, that the problematic moment at investigation of crimes in sphere of a housing-and-municipal complex is necessity on each fact of the ultimate fact (and their set) to carry out check and an establishment of variety of evidentiary arguments. The decision it is visible only in corresponding preparation and carrying out of a complex of legal proceedings.

The list and sequence of investigatory actions, organizational and operatively-search actions at an initial and subsequent stage of investigation depends on several factors, in which number:

1. Complexity of mechanisms of plunder, probability of rendering of active counteraction to investigation;

2. Feature of a situation of excitation of criminal case;

3. Character of the mechanism of proving on concrete criminal case.

The subsequent orientation and volume of operatively-search actions depends on results of work and the information which operative employees at an initial stage have.

The plan of operatively-search actions thus constituted by them, as a rule, should provide in detail all possible actions on revealing of circumstances of criminal activity.

Thus, the basic stages of realisation of the planned operatively-search actions and investigatory action, especially their concrete list is defined proceeding from the analysis of all data set on materials of check or criminal case.

Keywords: associations of proprietors of habitation; circumstance coming under to proving; revealing of crimes; investigation of economic crimes


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The Perm State University
614068, Perm, street Bukireva, 15 (Faculty of Law), +7 (342) 2 396 275
ISSN 1995-4190 ISSN (eng.) 2618-8104
ISSN (online) 2658-7106
DOI 10.17072/1995-4190
(с) Editorial board, 2010
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